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COLL 300: Sarah Deer: "Confronting Sexual Violence in Native America"
Sarah Deer Keynote | Sovereignty of the Soul: Confronting Gender-Based Violence in Native America
Download The Beginning and End of Rape: Confronting Sexual Violence in Native America PDF
Safety for Our Sisters: Ending Violence Against Native Women – 2 Sarah Deer
Confronting Sexual Violence in the Settler Colonial University with Sarah Deer & Bonnie Clairmont
Natives @ KU Interview with Sarah Deer
Uprising Excerpt of Sarah Deer on Violence against Native Children
Understanding Savanna's Act: A Discussion on the Advocacy that Got us Here and What to Expect Next
Sexual Violence Against Native Women: Past and Present
Violence Against Native American Women
Ask an Injin #285 Pamunkey Storyteller
19th Amd 100th Anniv Series: Women Voted Here Before Columbus